5 Essential Christian Teachings Christians Need to Know

There is a lot of misunderstanding about Christianity and what the Christian faith actually teaches. Because there are so many doctrines that have been added to the Christian faith, many may be confused about what Christianity actually teaches.

Here are five essential teachings Christians need to understand.

1. Without the Resurrection, Christianity doesn't exist.

The core belief of Christianity is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The reason this is the central teaching of Christianity is really very simple: Christ's resurrection was his proof that he wasn't just a man, he is God. It was also about proving that he was the savior of mankind.

2. Jesus is God.

Although Islam teaches that Jesus is a prophet, and Judaism teaches something else, what the Bible teaches is that Jesus was very clear: He is God. He never said he was a man, a prophet. Those beliefs are a misreading of the Christian scripture, as well as heresy.

3. Saved by faith, subject to grace, not judged by the law.

One of the big fallacies non believers commit when it comes to Christians is that they think Christians believe they're perfect. Nothing is further from the truth.

We recognize that we are sinners and that the only path to heaven, and Christ, is to accept Jesus as the Messiah.

Christians are subject to grace because grace is the unearned gift of love from God. In the end, Christians will not be judged on whether they go to heaven or hell, but what their reward in heaven will be.

4. Love God, love your neighbor, love yourself.

In the Old Testament, there are 10 Commandments. When asked about observing the 10 Commandments, Jesus made basically the same statement in every gospel: that we love God, love our neighbor, and then love ourselves.

The Bible is clear that a neighbor is anyone whereas a brother is a fellow believer in Christ. In essence, Christ told us to love everyone.

Loving someone is very different from liking someone. When you like someone, it's about who they are. Love is about who you are. Also, the Bible tells us that God is love. Since God is love, then in order to love others, God must be a part of your life. Otherwise, it isn't love at all.

5. Being saved has nothing to do with being good.

In one of the gospels, someone calls Jesus good. Jesus replied by saying that only God is good. The truth is, none of us are good. No one is good.

Being saved is about accepting Christ as your Savior and putting your faith in him. It is about accepting that Christ is the only road to eternal life, not good works, purgatory, or "being good".

Jesus once said, "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavty laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28). If you want to find true peace, true happiness, you'll find it in Christ.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jinger_Jarrett
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How to Write Great Christian Articles

Want to write great Christian articles? Would you like some tips on how to do it? Here are some simple techniques to create great, creative Christian articles!

First, know and understand the meaning and definition of the word Christianity. From Encarta's online Dictionary comes: "1. religion that follows Jesus Christ's teachings: the religion based on the life, teachings, and example of Jesus Christ, and 2. holding Christian beliefs: the fact of holding Christian beliefs or being a Christian."

The word Christian has a parallel description: "believer in Jesus Christ as savior: somebody who believes that Jesus Christ was sent to the world by God to save humanity, and who tries to follow his teachings and examples." So, Christianity is a religion that follows Jesus Christ and his teaching and a Christian is one 'who is a believer of Jesus and tries to emulate His teachings and examples." Your Christian article will be lively and informative if you first understand and apply these basic truths.

Second, keep in mind that it helps but is not necessary when writing a Christian article, to be a Christian, or know of and communicate with other Christians. Researching the Bible will enable you to write a better Christian article, supplying you with facts, information and interesting tidbits. Living a Christian life and or communicating with Christians, will give your article authenticity and believability.

Third, pray for guidance on how to write your article. If praying is uncomfortable for you, then take time during the day, particularly before you begin to write your article and practice praying. Continue to pray as your article evolves. Prayer will help you stay focused and offer guidance and inspiration. Prayer is food for the Christian writer and Psalms 23 and 91 are high quality nourishment.

Fourth, create a comprehensive outline for your article. Use the familiar writing word outline techniques of: what, when, where, how and why to form your outline and explain your story. These five writing word techniques will help establish an interesting and informative Christian article.

Fifth, take advantage of the Internet and its Research and Search engines. Much information can be gleaned from these research tools. Online dictionaries, encyclopedias, Search Engines and library resources, will help you gather important data. In addition, some of the following resources may be of help: Sally Stewart's Christian Writer's Market, The Christian Communicator Magazine, 100 Portraits of Christ by Henry Gariepy and Bible Questions & Answers, Nelson Publication. These and other Christian publications will make your article "zing" with truth, credibility and factual information. Be sure and create a Reference list, for the quotes and information given in your piece.

Sixth, do your Christian writing in the morning when you are fully alert.

Writing early, will give your Christian article a heightened edge. Most people feel more positive in the morning, their creative juices flowing easy and consistent. However, if you're an evening person, prepare your research material during the day, highlight parts you want to include in your article, so that when you're ready to write, your tools of writing will be ready for you. Keep material gleaned for your Christian articles in a separate folder, ready for use. This will help keep your articles organized and in order.

Seventh, should you feel the need to witness in your article, do so but be careful not to elaborate too long. Perhaps something in your life has tested your faith in God or a miracle brought you closer to Him. If you can relate these events in an honest and clear fashion, it will add to flavor to your article and be attention- getting. Keep your witness simple, truthful and honest. People pick up fast on a phony and your story could soon become irrelevant.

Keep before you the life of Christ. He was simple, direct, honest, and truthful. He didn't belabor issues unless injustice was rampant. He said what he had to say and then moved on. He never forced His religion on anyone. If you keep these truths in mind you will create a wonderful Christian article and in the process may win souls to Christ.

A simple truth from the famous author Irving Wallace might energize your joy for Christian writing. He wrote, "If I could not earn a penny from my writing, I would earn my livelihood at something else and continue to write at night." In other words, hold on to your desire to write, for it will sustain you in good and bad times.

To summarize, do your homework, know your Bible, do the necessary research, life your life as a Christian and keep your article simple and honest. If you follow these guidelines, then you will create a great Christian article!

References & Sources

1. Encarta Online Dictionary, definitions of Christianity and Christian, Retrieved June

18, 2003

2. Online Source, How to Write Good by Michael O'Donoghue, Retrieved June 18, 2003,

Quote from Irving Wallace

3. Sally Stuart's Christian Writer's Market

4. The Christian Communicator Magazine

5. 100 Portraits of Christ by Henry Garpiepy

6. Bible Questions & Answers, Nelson Publication

Toni Star is a freelance writer/author and a master's graduate from Capella University. She hopes to do some online teaching upon graduation. You can see more of her work and books in the links below:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Toni_Star


Why Write Christian Articles?

Why should you write articles for a Christian audience? Christians everywhere are looking for good Christian web content, and when you write quality articles, you help provide that content. When you write Christian articles, you are providing yourself and your web site with web exposure. And when you write articles, you increase your own web credibility.

1) There is a dearth of good Christian articles on the web. Perhaps because there is a perception that there is not as much profit in a Christian consumer (I happen to think the opposite---if you have a quality product, the Christian consumer will purchase from you). Perhaps because the Christian author is not willing to place his articles on a secular web site. Perhaps because Christian authors feel compelled to ‘water down’ their article.

2) By writing to the Christian audience, you provide a much-needed service to the Christian Internet market. Many Christians are simply discouraged by the lack of good Christian content on the web, and thereby spend less time on the internet. By creating good content for a Christian audience, you can help increase the Christian market size.

3) By writing Christian articles and posting them to your own web site or blog, you add good quality content to your own site, helping to increase your search engine visibility.

4) When you write Christian articles and submit them to the various article directories, you create exposure for your own web site. Simply place a link back to your own web site at the end of the article, or in the resource box, whichever the particular article directory prefers. When your article is read, and the reader appreciates your content, they will often click through to your site, providing much-needed web traffic for you.

5) By writing Christian articles and submitting them to the various article databases and directories, you establish backlinks to your own website, which can help with some search engine rankings.

6) When you write Christian articles, you establish yourself as an authority on whichever Christian topic you write about. From your website, you can link to the particular article directories that accept your article, giving you and your web site added credibility.

7) We want your articles! When you write your articles, submit them to both the web site where you are reading this article, and to my website, listed below.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_Mize
