What You Believe, You Can Achieve

Have you ever given the phrase, "What you believe, you can achieve" much consideration? If that is really true then why are so many people not living the life they truly want?

One of the reasons that most people aren't really living the life they truly want is because they don't understand how their beliefs got into their heads in the first place. Why do you believe what you believe?

It starts as early as your childhood and continues with the culture around us. At a young age we aren't able to create an independent sense of self or a unique identify of our own. We have been told or taught so many different things that your subconscious mind has programmed that as being the truth. It doesn't know what's real and what isn't. You were raised with certain values and beliefs.

It has been known that your core level values have been presented to you and locked inside your subconscious since the early age of thirteen. What this means is that you think the same way as far as your values go unless something significant happens in your life to change the way you believe. You have become a by-product of other people's habitual ways of thinking. Strange concept, isn't it!

The question now is, "How do you go about changing your beliefs that have been engrained into your brain at such an early age"? It all starts with knowing that every single person is their own unique individual self. Without discovering who you are as a person, you can never truly be who you want to be.

So how do you start changing your belief system? You can start by looking at the people that you surround yourself with. Isn't it true that if you are always around people who have a negative attitude then the way they think rubs off on you. If you surround yourself with people that have limiting beliefs about what life has to offer, you end up with those same limiting beliefs. If you want to be successful, hang around with successful people. You can read books on success. Put yourself into a different environment. Remember, what you think about you bring about.

Reverse your mindset by remembering that everything in existence has an opposite and cannot exist otherwise. If there's an up there has to be a down, if there is a right there has to be a left, if there is a wrong there has to be a right, if there is hot then there is definitely cold.

By reversing your mindset you are choosing the opposite belief. For example, if you have always thought that you "aren't smart enough" then turn that around to "I have a PhD in life experience". If you think "I'm fat" then turn that around to "I'm healthy and strong". If you think "I'm too old" then turn that around to "I have wisdom to share with others". Do you see how that can start changing the way you believe?

Remember, change your thoughts which will change your actions. Your external world is a reflection of your inner world. Always remember who you are.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adrienne_Smith

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