Keeping Your Faith

By []Alyssa Avant

Faith it is something that is both hard to define by human standards, and also hard to keep by earthly standards. So many of loose our faith in others because of their actions towards us, so we often feel we cannot trust anyone, not even God. However, that is not true. God, after all is the author and creator of our faith and is therefore the only one we truth can trust and thus place our faith in.

It is true, faith is being sure of what we hope for, hope that too comes from Christ. Specifically from our relationship with Him. Having a relationship with and a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is what gives to us that hope that we speak of and that defines our faith by Biblical standards as we see in Hebrews. Without that saving knowledge of Christ we cannot have faith.

The Bible also says that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Therefore faith is certainly something that we should strive to keep. No matter what, we should be able to always lean on our faith. Because, after all, God truly doesn't let us down. We know that He is the one person who always keeps his promises and is always there.

I'm sure, if you've been a Christian for any length of time that you have stories of God's faithfulness to you, stories of the times in your life where your faith was proven, stories of times when your relationship with Christ is the only thing that gave you any hope. If not, I'm sure you can find someone in your life, who has a relationship with Christ that results in some of those faith stories that they can share with you.

Whether or not you have experienced it yet, or not. I sure hope you will seek to experience it in the future. It all begins with a saving relationship with Christ. Where you admit that your are a sinner and need His saving grace and mercy. Then, you believe in the fact that He is truly the only way to be saved and enter into eternity. That He truly died on the cross for your sins, rose again the third day and lived on the earth just like us. That He is our ticket to Heaven and spending eternity with God.

Then, it doesn't just end there. Jesus seeks a relationship with you so that He can come to know you better and you can become more like Him. This relationship can help you to grow in and keep your faith in Him as He shows you time after time that He is truly faithful.

Alyssa Avant is a Christian work at home mom, writer, speaker, and blogger whose desire is to turn the hearts of girls towards God. As the founder of Beauty By Design Ministries, Alyssa seeks to reach tween and teen girls and their moms through products and events that are both exciting and inspiring.

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