The Danger Of Bitterness

Bitterness can be defined as a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will,
bitterness is anger that has settled in your heart for a long time that you refuse to let go.It is an anger that has birthed resentment, the feeling that we have been treated harshly,unjustly unfairly, or carelessly. If not checked, can eat its way deep into our mind, emotions,and even our soul. Bitterness can turn us into hostile,hardened people. The poison ofbitterness is lethal, left unchecked, can destroy us. And the most dangerous thing aboutbitterness is that it renders forgiveness inactive, which puts our relationship with God andothers on hold. Bitterness makes us not to be at peace with ourselves.

When you harbor unforgiveness, you expose yourself to a series of negative killers that I wantto highlight in this article. I will also proffer tips that can assist you filter out of your mind everyseed of bitterness in your mind so that you can enjoy the joy and peace that comes with a heart that holds no grudges and offenses.

The first obvious danger that is associated with people who carry deep seated bitterness is theabsence of the presence of God around you, which makes you vulnerable. You become like a city without walls, unprotected and exposed. All kinds of evil thoughts can gain easy access to you heart. The result is that you are alienated from God and the assurance that comes with His presence.

The heart or mind that harbors bitterness cannot separate evil from good when they begin to invade your mind as thoughts or ideas. Because you are angry over the
reason(s) that made you to be bitter, when evil thoughts begin to invade your mind it becomes pretty difficult not to follow the direction of your evil thoughts because you heart is hardened and resistant to truth.

Bitterness can expose you to mental turmoil. Mental turmoil gains a foothold over those who carry on with bitterness and deep resentment.You can never be at peace with yourself talk less with your perceived enemy or offender, you are continually disturbed and restless why the one you hold bitterness against is at peace with himself.

Forgiveness is the only way out of the pit of bitterness, because it frees you from every burden, and launches you into the atmosphere of the presence of God. The fullness of joy is restored only after you free yourself from the stranglehold of resentment and bitterness. As you read this article, ask yourself I am harboring bitterness against anyone, please realease yourself by releasing or forgiving them first.

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